scikit-learn Features¶
The examples in this section help you get more out of scikit-neuralnetwork
, in particular via its integration with scikit-learn
sklearn Pipeline¶
Typically, neural networks perform better when their inputs have been normalized or standardized. Using a scikit-learn’s pipeline support is an obvious choice to do this.
Here’s how to setup such a pipeline with a multi-layer perceptron as a classifier:
from sknn.mlp import Classifier, Layer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
pipeline = Pipeline([
('min/max scaler', MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0.0, 1.0))),
('neural network', Classifier(layers=[Layer("Softmax")], n_iter=25))]), y_train)
You can then use the pipeline as you would the neural network, or any other standard API from scikit-learn.
Grid Search¶
In scikit-learn, you can use a GridSearchCV
to optimize your neural network’s hyper-parameters automatically, both the top-level parameters and the parameters within the layers. For example, assuming you have your MLP constructed as in the Regression example in the local variable called nn
, the layers are named automatically so you can refer to them as follows:
- ...
Keep in mind you can manually specify the name
of any Layer
in the constructor if you don’t want the automatically assigned name. Then, you can use sklearn’s hierarchical parameters to perform a grid search over those nested parameters too:
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
gs = GridSearchCV(nn, param_grid={
'learning_rate': [0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001],
'hidden0__units': [4, 8, 12],
'hidden0__type': ["Rectifier", "Sigmoid", "Tanh"]}), y)
This will search through the listed learning_rate
values, the number of hidden units and the activation type for that layer too, and find the best combination of parameters.
Randomized Search¶
In the cases when you have large numbers of hyper-parameters that you want to try automatically to find a good combination, you can use a randomized search as follows:
from scipy import stats
from sklearn.grid_search import RandomizedSearchCV
rs = RandomizedSearchCV(nn, param_distributions={
'learning_rate': stats.uniform(0.001, 0.05),
'hidden0__units': stats.randint(4, 12),
'hidden0__type': ["Rectifier", "Sigmoid", "Tanh"]}), y)
This works for both sknn.mlp.Classifier
and sknn.mlp.Regressor
Unsupervised Pre-Training¶
(NOTE: This is currently not supported with the Lasagne backend.)
If you have large quantities of unlabeled data, you may benefit from pre-training using an auto-encoder style architecture in an unsupervised learning fashion.
from sknn import ae, mlp
# Initialize auto-encoder for unsupervised learning.
myae = ae.AutoEncoder(
ae.Layer("Tanh", units=128),
ae.Layer("Sigmoid", units=64)],
# Layerwise pre-training using only the input data.
# Initialize the multi-layer perceptron with same base layers.
mymlp = mlp.Regressor(
mlp.Layer("Tanh", units=128),
mlp.Layer("Sigmoid", units=64),
# Transfer the weights from the auto-encoder.
# Now perform supervised-learning as usual., y)
The downside of this approach is that auto-encoders only support activation fuctions Tanh
and Sigmoid
(currently), which excludes the benefits of more modern activation functions like Rectifier